FIXME **Deze pagina is nog niet volledig vertaald. Help alsjeblieft de vertaling compleet te maken.**\\ //(verwijder deze paragraaf als de vertaling is voltooid)// ====== How to Setup ZNC using IRCCloud App ====== Greetings, We are about to see how to setup ZNC on IRCCloud app, but you can use the same way to Setup ZNC on IRCCloud Webchat on their site. Now, unlike other apps, IRCCloud wants you to register your email to use their services, and also there are some premium features that only works with a paid account. **__Step 1:__** Register Your E-mail address with IRCCloud and Login **__Step 2:__** After login, it directs to **Settings** page, where you can setup your ZNC account as below: \\ - **Hostname** is the Host from your credentials **(e.g :** \\ - **Port** is the Port from your credentials **(e.g: 31337)** \\ - Under **Your Identity** you fill your preferred **Nickname** for the network and your preferred **Real Name** \\ - Under **Advanced Options** there's **Nickserv Password** where you can provide your **Nick's Password** for the Network (This feature is free for all) || And there's **Server Password** where you can provide your Server Password as **(Username/Network:Password)** **__NOTE: This is a Premium Feature__ (Only for Paid Users)** \\ Cheers, once all set, click on **✔Done** at the top right corner. Now you can connect by clicking on the Network shown. That's all. Happy Irc'ing :D --- //[[|Siva]] 2019/11/15 16:16//