How to setup our mail account using K-9 Mail App


Here we gonna see step by step tutorial on how to setup our mail account using K-9 Mail android app.

Step 1:

Open K-9 Mail, Click on the + at the bottom

Step 2:

Provide your username and password from the credentials and click on Manual Setup at the bottom

Step 3:

Incoming Server Settings

  1. IMAP Server is your IMAP Server from the credentials (e.g :
  2. Select Security as STARTTLS
  3. Port is your Port from the credentials (e.g: 143)
  4. Your username and password will be there by default as we provided them on previous step, make sure Authentication is selected as Normal Password
  5. Rest all can be ignored and click on Next at the bottom

Upon clicking next, it will check the incoming server Settings,

Step 4:

Outgoing Server Settings

  1. SMTP Server is your SMTP server from the credentials (e.g:
  2. Select Security as STARTTLS
  3. Port is your Port from the credentials (e.g: 587)
  4. Your username and password will be there by default as we provided them on Step 2, make sure Authentication is selected as Normal Password
  5. Rest all can be ignored and click on Next at the bottom

Upon clicking next, it will check the outgoing server Settings,

Step 5:

Select Number of messages to display as per your choice (e.g 10,25,50 upto 1000) and click on Next at the bottom

Step 6:

Here you can give a name to your Server (optional), and you Must provide a Name as Signature, after this click on Done at the bottom.

Voila! That's all, your email account now has been setup and can be accessed via K-9 Mail app.

You can Download K-9 Mail : Here

Siva 2019/11/21 00:59