Learn UNIX with friends and bring the fun back into computing! We are now offering free OpenBSD shell accounts. Here's what we provide for free with each account:

…and many applications.

Here's a sample of what you can do with the account:

Here are basic rules for all accounts:

IRCNow is a Christian company. So, the shell accounts are not primarily for publishing religious or political content; this content may be subject to moderation. See our terms of service and privacy policy.

Note: IRCNow cannot provide any warranties. If you sign up to this account, you agree not to hold IRCNow responsible for any data loss, damages, or downtime from using our service.

Technical restrictions:

To get an account, join our community at irc.ircnow.org/#shell and ask for an account. We currently have an interview process to make sure accounts are not abused.

SSH fingerprints:

256 SHA256:mGpvXOEbMT/FFKusyMiYoAy9aTXdulByeeewxLT/9YE shell.ircnow.org (ECDSA)
1024 SHA256:ZUyvmIvS4PTTgMHUTgLTygRIZRhvuGq1AV9KeQhQw8w shell.ircnow.org (DSA)
256 SHA256:dDVPjfDfSMP0BTTyZ84o5OhLXtmwPhp8GWDIpWC4rvU shell.ircnow.org (ED25519)
3072 SHA256:cLMVQu0Q8PiX7Hv92ocmm5pOHxfYvyn33hCxkN0MFRk shell.ircnow.org (RSA)