The contents of this page must be treated with a grain of salt, as in without any degree of seriousness. Some of the links may contain controversial topics/discussions which requires one's own judgement to see what suits best for their purposes.

vedetta project:

pf vs iptables:

benzedrine's pf.conf

a newbie's guide to setting up pf on openbsd 4.x:

building a pf firewall walkthrough:


openbsd packet filter:

pf + os detection → How to block a Host if it does a nmap scan?! (has stuff on rate limiting on various daemons)

why not move ssh (or other services) to another port?

hardening OpenBSD Internet Servers Packet Filter and IP Filter on Non Firewalls

port scan detection with pf

blocking nmap scans

How To Configure Packet Filter (PF) on FreeBSD 12.1

a dummy's sample pf.conf

pf: testing your firewall

openbsd packet filter (pf): real life example

how I've turned openbsd to become my house's firewall

how pf works against nmap?

using openbsd + pf to block a syn flood

Ramifications of blocking SYN+FIN TCP packets